Spring is here, then its gone, in what feels like a quick fleeting moment! Mother Nature has been toying with us prematurely for well over a month with high temperatures early in the month causing the grapes to wake up quicker than expected. Any temperatures above 50F progress vine development, and we had several NIGHTS of above 50F in April. WOW!
In the vineyard we try and prepare for such behavior by double-pruning the grapes so we can have reserve buds that can produce grapes in the event some get froze off by a cold snap. Unfortunately we suffered a severe freeze event in the last week of April. We got a nice firm kick in the rump when the temperatures dropped below freezing. About 90% of our primary buds throughout the vineyard have suffered frost damage.
Most varietals of grapes carry a secondary bud that can produce 50% of the grape clusters. However this early activity is fairly concerning, as we have several more weeks of temperatures fluctuation risk. This is how spring goes, and we just cross our fingers, and roll with the punches as Mother Nature has her plan and we are along for the ride.
In wine production, we are still preparing for the arrival of our bottling line. Our delivery date has pushed back to late July. We are excited to bring in automation to our production cycle as our batches are growing larger and more difficult to manage.
On the entertainment side. This year we have made a conscious effort to invite some heavier rock bands to the stage, and some variety of jazz and blues artists for you to enjoy. We also have several car Cruise-Ins and instructional painting classes. All of our entertainment is online at www.owenvalleywinery.com
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