Another beautiful Spring is upon us here in Indiana and we couldn’t be more elated. Winter time at the Winery typically involves a lot of time in the vineyard with pruning the vines for the next Season. Along with that, we also have been doing more work on the facility with an expansion for more seating on the side of the tasting room and the completion of the kitchen out back. As we get settled into these new spaces, we are beginning to dream about what opportunities these new tools will bring for our business. Needless to say, we’re excited to get outside and breath in some fresh air as I’m sure you are as well!
That’s not all of course, I’m sure you noticed on your drive in that the new vineyard expansion is well under way! We’ll be planting several new varieties, and we will begin the process of making them strong fruit bearing vines. The varieties we are planting are Cayuga White, Vidal Blanc, Chambourcin, and Marquette. With these new vines in place, we will have six acres of Estate vines! The process of maturing a vineyard takes quite a while, four years and greater for some vines! The development of a winery is truly a lifelong venture, and we’re loving every minute of it, but for now we’ll have to admire the slow growth of future wine!
As many of you may know, we experienced another late freeze this year which can be detrimental to our crop, as it was last year in 2020. While we did sustain damage this year, it is not quite as devastating as last years freeze which we’re thankful for. This should allow us to train the vineyard back to full strength through the season and possibly look towards a large crop in 2022 if we’re lucky. When working in the vineyard, you’re not just working for this years fruit, you are working towards your future crops as well! With only 1 crop every year, this is what makes wine vintages so special! You only get so many opportunities to do the best that you got! This next growing season is starting now and we’re excited to see what wines come from the 2021 vintage!