We hope you had a wonderful Holiday season, it’s always nice to have an opportunity to share time with friends and family over good food and good wine! The latter of which we can assure you we did plenty of during our holidays. It’s the cold months before the spring rush here at the winery. Too early for vineyard work means our time is spent doing cellar work on wines and updates preparing for the busy season which will inevitably be here before we know it! Thank you to all our regular customers who come out to visit the tasting room teams, and keep them busy with work, it means the world to them and we are grateful for your patronage during their slower times.
Spring will be here before we know it, so we are spending our time wisely by planning an exciting year of entertainment, events, and food for our lovely customers. Brunch boards have been widely successful and we are in the process of expanding those to include Saturdays and Sundays. We are also working on bringing new culinary treats for summer, which means the kitchen is hard at work doing R&D on the tastiest items for your outings to the winery.
It’s worth a special mention that we will be hosting an event out at the winery for the Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Tickets are on sale now which includes a barbecue, bluegrass, and our beautiful countryside as we experience the 2024 Total Eclipse. If you’re interested in this event, or any other events at the winery, be sure to check out our Facebook page or www.OwenValleyWinery.com.
We have spent a lot of time working in the cellar this year, focusing on learning the new bottling system and keeping it busy! For the first time in many years, we are catching up with wine production tasks that normally would take us all year to accomplish. It’s a great feeling to be bottling and processing wine at an appropriate rate. This increased time has allowed us to start engaging in more wine wholesale activity, which is a part of the business we have never had time to give proper attention to. With this increased time we are focusing on getting some of our more popular wines into the market, so if you have a regular liquor store or grocery store that you visit and would like to see our wine in, LET THEM KNOW! In the alcohol wholesale industry, the customers are our most powerful ally in increasing market presence. Don’t worry, the wine club will still be the best place to access exclusive new releases, and the best deals on wine directly to you.